O Lord give me a clean heart!4th Sunday A. 2023 Zephaniah 2:3; 3:12-13 Psalm 146:6-7,8-9,9-10 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 Matthew 5:-12a Isaiah 55:8-9 8 “For my thoughts...
MLK Sunday January 15, 20232nd Sunday A. MLK Sunday January 15, 2023 Isaiah 49;5-6 Psalm 40:2-4 ff 1 Corinthians 1:1-3 John 1:29-34 To be Catholic and Pro-life...
African American History MonthBlack History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S....
February is African American History MonthIn February the nation celebrates African American History Month. Hurrah! An often over looked group in this celebration are Black...
Mary Mother of God.January 1, 2023 Year A. Numbers 6:22-27 Psalm 67:2-3,56,8, (2a) Galatians 4:4-7 Luke 2:16-21 Maria and Joe do their best to raise Jesus...
Feast of the Incarnation Sunday 25, 2022 Year A. Isaiah 62:1-5 “My delight… your builder shall marry you; so shall your God rejoice in you.” Psalm 89:4-5 + Acts of the Apostles 13:16-17,...
3rd Sunday A. Advent 20223rd Sunday A. Advent 2022 Isaiah 35:1-6a, 10 Psalm: 146:6-7, 8-9-10 James 5:7-10 Matthew: 11:2-11 Breaking News: At Our Lady of Perpetual...
Happy New Year!Advent Year A November 27, 2022 Isaiah 2:1-5 R: Psalm 122: 1-2ff Romans 13d:11-14 Matthew 24:37-44 Happy New Year! New Liturgical Year....