5th Sunday A. 2023
Isaiah 58:7-10
Psalm 112:4-5, 6-7,8-9
1 Corinthians 2:1-5
Matthew 5:13-16
Not many of you were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were of fame and fortune” St. Paul told the Corinthian church last Sunday. But God “chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise, and God chose the weak of the world to shame the strong, and God chose the lowly and despised of the world, those who count for nothing, to reduce to nothing those who” think they are all that!
Today Jesus tells those who have ears to hear: “You are the salt of the earth.” “Let your light shine.”
Celebrating Black History Month, remember that the despised enslaved Augustus Tolton shines gloriously now, as venerable Fr. Augustus Tolton.
The no-count one-eyed Julia Greeley glows brilliantly today as Servant of God, of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The foolish hairdresser Pierre Toussaint, flavors St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City as Venerable Pierre Toussaint.
God chose the weak of the world to shame the strong and the lowly and despised of the world, to reduce to nothing those who profile themselves as the greatest of all time.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, God has chosen us, each one of you to let your light shine and to add flavor to the Kingdom of Heaven in Atlantic County.
By our good deeds done in the style of the diversity of the people of this parish, God is glorified.
We are not a wealthy parish. We live with millions of dollars of debt. We are not a parish of New York sophisticates and social media stars. In attendance we are mostly retiring elders and Hispanic and Haitian youth. We are farmers, immigrants, and hospitality workers who count for nothing, to those profiling as GOAT.
But you are chosen by God to let shine your light. You are chosen to bring the Godly flavor of the Kingdom of Heaven to Atlantic County.
If the people who walk in darkness see a great light, it is the light of your faith.
If people of the Lie will hear the truth, it will be your proclamation of “Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”
If people lost in the valley of the shadows of death shall not fear, you are the comfort of God’s rod and staff.
If people are oppressed and homeless, you by your good deeds build God’s house of Charity with many good rooms.
You are good for something.
You season with divine flavor the lives of the people of Atlantic County, with the seasoning of our Holy Catholic faith.
By your good deeds OLPH is a rainbow of light; let your light shine.
You are good for something.
The Greatest of all time is the Lamb of God! His flesh given up, is real food, his blood poured out, is real drink!
To you OLPH the prophet Isaiah declares: light shall rise for you in the darkness and the glory of the Lord Jesus shall be your guard. You will shame the wise of the World and humble the strong. Your wound shall quickly be healed and the Lord God will respond to your call and say: Here I am!
Body and Blood, Soul and divinity, Here I am.